Welcome To
Tamil Oli Kalanjiyam
My journey on the 'AIR' thus far...
The journey began at the tender age of eleven. More out of curiosity rather than with any intention of participating in any programme I accompanied my young friend Joseph Edward to the erstwhile Radio Ceylon. It so happened the boy who was supposed to play the role 'demon' in the serial drama "Patchai Malai Theevu" was absent. The search for a replacement led to an 'audition' among those present and the result was in favour of 'LUCKY ME' ! The Prince who 'abducted' the throne was later to become one of my best-ever friend 'Maricar' Ramadas.
The 'Radio Uncles' who succeeded each other namely Messrs.S.Nadarajan, Karunai Ratnam, Haji V.A.Gaffoor and Saravanamuthu played vital roles in shaping my career. The 'Radio Akka' Mrs.Ponmani Kulasingham who later became the Director of Tamil Services played no lesser role in the development of my career even after I became a full-fledged Announcer.
Still an adoloscent the next rung in the ladder was Youth Forum. 'Vaanoli Anna' Rasiah was a real source of strength. He was the embodiment of Literature. His guidance at such an young age helped me to qualify as an Auditioned Artiste in the drama section of the National, Educational and Muslim services.The self-esteem that derives from self-earning is a 'feel-good-factor' elated me to dizzy heights.
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With Playback Singer K. J. Yesudas

Award of Appreciation from Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan

With Kamalhassaan for the program Pattuku Pattu

With iyakunar imayam Bharthiraja

Sivaji Ganesan Honouring with Gold Chain

With Melisai Mannar M.S.Viswanathan

Rehersal with Kamalhassan of Tenali

With isai puyal A.R.Rehaman

London - The BBC is 100 years old. Founded on October 22, 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company, the BBC is celebrating its centenary in style. Guglielmo Marconi, one of its six early partners, is ...
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The launch ceremony of the book 'Vanalayil Eru Waypogan' written by Anbu announcer PH Abdul Hamid was held at Winston Churchill Theater in British capital London on 08.10.2022 on Saturday even...
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Organized around the theme of 'Thailip Thandiyum Tamil', the conference had some notable differences from conventional literary conferences. A part of it was recently (July 1-4, 2022) the N...
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I share with you the joy of the publication of Adiye's book on the stage of the North American Tamil Sangha Council's Muthamil Festival... North Merikath Tamil Sangha Council President Mr. ...
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